
What is a Full Service eCommerce Agency? Solutions that you need in 2024

September 19, 2023
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There was a time when businesses used to go online only to establish their presence as a brand. But now the tide has turned, today, businesses are starting their journey online right away. Now, the eCommerce industry is a powerhouse of global commerce, holding more than 20% share of the global economy. 

However,  running a successful business is not everyone’s cup of it as with profits, eCommerce brings challenges. And of course, such challenges require specific solutions and sets of skills.

One cannot make sales by simply setting up their website and listing products. The opportunities are vast, but so are the hurdles, making it essential to take well-informed decisions. So, you’ll have to work on full-service eCommerce solutions to run a large online shop or manage a retail store.

From choosing the right platform and setting up a product database to building a user-centric website, there’s a lot that goes into an eCommerce business. Not to mention the multiple integrations such as payment processes, order and inventory management, and 3PL logistics.

In full-service eCommerce, you have to manage and optimize various aspects of operations efficiently. Every facet demands expertise but it’s hard for online stores to have specialists in all the fields. Online store owners need an expert eye to navigate the intricacies of the digital landscape successfully.

They need professionals who can manage affairs such as web development, marketing strategies, order fulfillment, and customer support.

This is where a Full-Service eCommerce agency steps in as a valuable strategic partner.

What is a Full Service eCommerce Agency?

A full-service eCommerce agency is a one-stop solution provider for all eCommerce needs. It comprises a team of experts specializing in various fields such as website development, digital marketing, analytics, logistics, customer service, and much more. These agencies help businesses build, manage, and grow their online store by providing an end-to-end eCommerce solution.

From bringing your business online and enlisting products to ensure sales and shipping, they offer full-service eCommerce solutions.

However, you should not hire an agency until you are well aware of your needs. Even if you are thinking to expand the operations, pay attention to the benefits and demerits of such a decision. 

Benefits of Choosing a Full-Service eCommerce Agency over DIY Solutions

When it comes to online shopping, businesses are often torn between doing it themselves (DIY) or partnering with a full-service eCommerce agency. The DIY route may seem attractive but it often fails to deliver long-term results. On the other hand, choosing a full-service eCommerce agency offers significant benefits that contribute to overall success.

Comprehensive Expertise

A full-service eCommerce agency houses professionals who specialize in various e-commerce aspects. You will have experts working on web design and development digital marketing, SEO, data analytics, and more. Such deep knowledge and varied skill sets are hard to achieve in the DIY approach.

When you hire an agency, it ensures that your e-commerce operations are handled holistically. The team works on all the crucial elements at the same time which lead to success.

Time and Effort Savings

Let’s be honest, running an e-commerce business is no small feat. You have to manage multiple tasks, such as inventory, order management, marketing, customer service, and much more. This requires effort and often eats up significant time, which could be better spent on core business activities.

By choosing a full-service eCommerce agency, you delegate these tasks to experienced professionals. This strategy will free up your time and allows you to focus on strategy, growth, and innovation.


The demands of managing your eCommerce operations will increase as your business grows. You’ll constantly be needing experts’ opinions and scalable solutions to ensure consistent growth. You cannot work simultaneously on expanding your product range and targeting new markets while focusing on seasonal demand fluctuations. But an agency can swiftly scale up their services to meet your requirements.

Consistent Branding

Professional branding across all touchpoints is key to building trust with your customers. But you will need consistency in approach to be the brand you want across multiple sales channels.

Your branding efforts must portray a seamless picture be it your website design, social media posts, or email marketing campaigns. A unified approach to branding boosts your brand's credibility and recognition. But for this, you may require a large marketing time, which means extra costs on labor and infrastructure. This is where a full-service eCommerce agency shares your burden and helps you grow upward.

Ongoing Support and Maintenance

In the DIY approach, you have to figure out things on your own. But when you go for full-service eCommerce solutions, you’ll get ongoing support and maintenance. That’s because agencies are always updated with the latest eCommerce trends and technologies. They know how to implement necessary changes to keep your online store at its best performance.

Moreover, if any issue arises, their team is just a call away to resolve it promptly. You won’t have to allocate resources and change your focus from marketing to fixing an internal issue.

Improved ROI

The ultimate goal of any business is to generate revenue while maximizing its ROI. When you choose full-service eCommerce solutions, you get data-driven strategies to optimize your eCommerce operations. The hired agency will always be working to improve your site's user experience and effective marketing campaigns. You can expect increased conversions and customer retention as well as a higher ROI.

Key Factors to Consider When Selecting the Right Agency for Your Business

Selecting the right full-service eCommerce agency is like choosing a growth partner. This is a decision that can make or break your online business in a matter of months. Consider the below factors when you are selecting the right agency for your business:

  • Expertise and Experience
  • Full Understanding of Your Business
  • Technological Proficiency
  • Comprehensive Services
  • Scalability Options
  • 24/7 Client Support
  • Cost and Value for Money
  • Transparency in Reporting
  • Effective Communication
  • Culture Fit

In addition to expertise, pay attention to their previous track record and understanding of your business model. Always ask for references and case studies to ensure they can deliver on their promises.

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Technology Selection for Different Business Models

The technology you select to power your eCommerce operations should align with your business model. There is no one-size-fits-all solution as each business has different needs and requires different solutions.

B2C Ecommerce Solutions

For B2C eCommerce businesses, technologies that prioritize user experience, flexibility, and scalability are top considerations. Shopify and BigCommerce are ideal platforms which offer easy setup, seamless integrations, and extensive support, which are excellent choices.

B2B Ecommerce Solutions

Online stores that serve businesses require robust and flexible solutions to handle complex operations, large catalogs, and varying customer roles. Platforms like Magento and Salesforce Commerce Cloud are suitable options for B2B businesses. These technologies are known for their scalability, customization capabilities, and built-in B2B functionalities.

B2B2C Ecommerce Solutions

Large enterprises often require both B2B and B2C solutions for their eCommerce businesses. This is where you can utilize platforms like Fabric, known for its robust solutions and supply chain integrations. The best part is that it has a user-friendly, customer-focused interface. Such platforms allow businesses to manage multiple channels, partners, and customer segments from a single place.

Remember, your eCommerce technology should empower your business model, not limit it!

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Full-Service Ecommerce Agency Offerings for Leading Platforms

When we talk about full-service eCommerce solutions, we mean a comprehensive business solution. This includes front-end creation, design implementations, multiple channel integrations, migrations, and marketing automation.

Shopify and Shopify Plus

Shopify is the best eCommerce solution for any new business right now. For larger businesses, Shopify Plus offers advanced features that an agency can leverage for your benefit. Full-service eCommerce agencies can help with customizing Shopify themes, app integrations, and setting up automated marketing campaigns. 


It’s an ideal solution for businesses that want to run online and mobile eCommerce stores. You can easily handle payments in multiple currencies and can exchange them. Agencies can optimize your BigCommerce store for SEO and implement custom functionalities. Furthermore, they can integrate it with essential third-party apps for superior customer experience and business operations.


This is a versatile eCommerce platform that is ideal for almost all types of audiences. However, Magento's highly customizable platform requires proficient development skills. And a full-service eCommerce agency can help you make the most of it, from development and integration to optimization and support.


This is not a platform but a WordPress plugin that is suitable for small businesses. You can easily install it but WooCommerce requires professional assistance for optimal performance. You can hire freelancers or an agency for services like custom theme development, plugin integration, and site optimization.


Fabric is an end-to-end headless commerce platform. It’s highly suitable for large enterprises and eCommerce businesses that target both B2B and B2C marketing. Fabric is based on Omnichannel architecture so it can help you scale your operations on multiple channels while providing easy payment solutions. A skilled eCommerce agency can help you leverage Fabric to build a flexible, scalable, and efficient eCommerce operation.

Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC)

Salesforce Commerce Cloud is a comprehensive digital commerce solution that comes with an AI-based recommendation engine. In addition to predictive AI, you’ll get optimized localization, marketing strategies, and effortless auto upgrading. However, implementing such a complex eCommerce technology requires expert guidance for customization and ongoing support.

Optimizing Operations for Efficiency and Customer Satisfaction

The success of an eCommerce business is directly associated with user experience. For online stores, it’s compulsory to streamline operations and offer a seamless shopping experience. Below are some key strategies that can help you optimize operations, increase efficiency, and delight your customers.

Managing and Tracking Purchases

For large enterprises, an efficient order management system (OMS) is the backbone of their operations. It is a software that enables eCommerce businesses to process and track orders seamlessly. Such a  tool not only curtails shipping delays but also reduces the risk of errors.

With a reliable OMS, businesses can automate order processing, manage inventory effectively, and provide real-time updates to customers. Such transparency in the order fulfillment process enhances customer trust in the brand. It adds a sense of satisfaction, leading to higher retention rates and positive reviews.

Fulfillment Operations Optimization

Full-service eCommerce is incomplete without streamlined warehouse management and shipping. This is the part of your online business that’s responsible for timely and accurate order delivery. By optimizing warehouse management and improving shipping processes, businesses can ensure products reach customers promptly. This also helps in reducing shipping costs.

For this, you can leverage technologies such as automation, barcode scanning, and optimized picking and packing strategies. Furthermore, you can synchronize your shipping integrations with trusted carriers. This way you can utilize multiple delivery options and track orders in real-time.

Omnichannel Enablement

The modern market is a multichannel selling landscape where offering a seamless experience across all channels is imperative for any business. Customers expect a seamless yet cohesive experience whether they are buying in-store, through social media, or on a mobile or website. As a result, retailers are following the Omnichannel approach that integrates all sales channels.

Source: XStak

Omnichannel eCommerce allows customers to switch between different sales channels effortlessly. Whereas businesses can leverage data synchronization and unified customer profiles to personalize interactions. They can recommend relevant products, and maintain a continuous shopping journey regardless of the channel used.

Leveraging Headless Commerce Technology

Headless commerce decouples the front-end and back-end of an eCommerce platform. The separation allows online retailers to maintain the core eCommerce functionalities while adopting modern front-end technologies and frameworks.

The benefits of headless commerce include:

· Best-of-breed integrations

· Agility and speed-to-market

· Rich personalization

· Scalability and performance

· Omnichannel experience.

· Flexibility

· Unique customer experiences

With headless commerce, eCommerce stores can experiment with various front-end designs and interfaces without impacting the backend. This ability empowers them to stay ahead in the ever-evolving eCommerce market.

Enhancing Customer Experience and Support

Now let’s consider how full-service eCommerce can help businesses provide exclusive and exceptional customer experiences.

Order Tracking and Management

We know order tracking and management stand as critical elements when it comes to offering exceptional customer experience. Full-service eCommerce solutions provide comprehensive tools that allow customers to monitor their orders' progress in real-time. Timely information about purchase status, from order placement to delivery, boosts a buyer’s confidence.

Source: XStak

Furthermore, order tracking offers transparency that in turn contributes to a trustworthy relationship.

Logistics/3PL Integrations

Shipping and delivery are key touchpoints in the customer journey of an eCommerce buyer. A full-service eCommerce solution provider can help you leverage integrations with logistics and Third-Party Logistics (3PL) providers. Such integrations streamline critical processes, improve inventory management, and result in prompt delivery.

Additionally, a well-integrated logistics system enables efficient handling of returns and refunds. This reduces the workload for stores and makes the process less frustrating for customers.

Elevating Customer Service

Customer service is about exceeding customer expectations to generate a positive impression of the brand. When you hire a full-service eCommerce solution provider, they build a supportive and responsive customer service team. The goal is to equip them with the right tools and training and enable them to provide immediate assistance.

An ideal customer service team should resolve complaints effectively, and offer personalized solutions. You can also use AI-powered chatbots and CRM systems to manage customer interactions efficiently.

Harnessing the Power of Digital Marketing and Social Commerce

To be successful in eCommerce, retailers must conjure robust marketing strategies. This includes targeting their focused audience wherever they are present online.

Digital Marketing Strategies

Digital marketing encompasses everything from Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to Paid Advertising. But these two strategies provide brands with a wealth of opportunities to expand their reach and grow their customer base.

SEO strategies ensure the brand's website ranks high in search engine results. This is a consistent, long-term process that increases visibility and organic traffic. Whereas paid advertising campaigns like PPC (Pay-Per-Click) help you generate immediate results. Below are the key differences as well as benefits of these two strategies.

Social Shopping Sites and Marketplaces

The advent of social commerce has truly transformed the way people do buying online. Modern platforms like Facebook or TikTok are blurring the lines between social networking and shopping. They offer a more interactive and personalized shopping experience that aligns with consumers' preferences and lifestyles.

Online sellers can leverage these platforms to showcase their products within a social context. This strategy can help them foster better customer engagement and increase sales. In case you are new to social media marketing, below are some popular platforms where you can advertise and sell your products.

Enabling Growth through Automation and Analytics

Efficiency and personalization are two crucial aspects of modern eCommerce. A full-service eCommerce agency can help you grow multiply by introducing automation and analytics tools.

Marketing Automation

By implementing marketing automation tools, businesses can streamline repetitive tasks. For example, you can automate email marketing, customer segmentation, and ad campaigns using distinctive tools. This way your online business can free up valuable resources while offering personalized customer interactions. You can make decisions and run campaigns based on their behavior and preferences.

Customer Loyalty Programs

The key to a successful eCommerce business is forging lasting relationships with customers. One effective strategy that full-service eCommerce agencies recommend is the implementation of a customer loyalty program.

Loyalty programs reward customers for their continued patronage, encouraging repeat purchases. They prompt brand loyalty and motivate customers to spend more while fostering a sense of belonging and appreciation.

Tracking and Analytics

A full-service eCommerce agency recognizes the importance of harnessing data to uncover invaluable insights. And so, you get to look into customer behavior, market trends, and campaign effectiveness. That’s why data-driven decision-making is considered the backbone of successful eCommerce operations.

Businesses can monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) effectively using data. By using sophisticated tracking and analytics tools, they can identify areas of improvement, and optimize their operations.

Audits, Insights, and Recommendations

Regular audits, insights, and data-backed recommendations help eCommerce businesses maintain a competitive edge.

Conducting eCommerce Audits

The eCommerce audits involve a comprehensive evaluation of different aspects of the online store. These may include evaluation of website design, SEO performance, social media engagement, customer experience, and more. Such eCommerce audits help businesses align their strategies with customer needs and market trends.

Furthermore, eCommerce audits offer a fresh perspective on the business, revealing gaps. They indicate inefficiencies that may have been overlooked, ultimately contributing to a more optimized and profitable eCommerce operation.

Actionable Insights

Full-service eCommerce agencies use advanced data analysis tools to interpret complex data sets, turning them into clear, actionable insights. These insights might relate to customer behavior, sales trends, website performance, or other important metrics. Understanding and application of these insights help online stores make strategic decisions.

For example, insights into customer behavior can guide improvements in product offerings. Similarly, analysis of website design and marketing strategies can provide a detailed overview of customer experience. 

Recommendations for Future Growth: Strategies to Stay Competitive in 2023

Competition in the eCommerce industry is fierce and you cannot survive without leveraging market research. So, stay updated about the latest trends and follow the strategies to stay competitive in 2023.

Embrace AI and Machine Learning: Utilize AI-powered tools for personalized marketing, customer service, and predictive analysis, ensuring a tailored and efficient customer experience.

Mobile Commerce: With the continued rise of mobile shopping, optimizing for mobile users is a must. This includes responsive design and mobile-friendly checkouts.

Social Commerce: Make the most of social media platforms that allow direct sales. These offer a seamless transition for customers from discovery to purchase.

Data Privacy: As consumers become more privacy-conscious, ensuring strong data protection measures can boost customer trust.

Omnichannel Marketing: Establish and maintain a consistent brand experience across all channels to reach customers wherever they are. This means ensuring a strong presence on the website, social media, mobile, and even physical stores.

Customization: Offer personalized products or services. The ability to customize can elevate the customer experience and increase brand loyalty.

Sustainability: Adopt eco-friendly practices and transparently communicate them to customers. Sustainability is a growing priority for consumers and can differentiate your brand.

Continuous Learning: Stay informed about the latest eCommerce trends and adapt your strategies accordingly to maintain competitiveness.

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Businesses require customized eCommerce solutions as each has distinctive needs based on their audiences. By partnering with a full-service eCommerce agency, you can capitalize on their comprehensive services to optimize operations, enhance customer experiences, and drive growth. Not to mention the benefits of harnessing their expertise in technical knowledge.

We, at shopdev, provide you with tailored full-service eCommerce solutions and strategies. You’ll enjoy seamless integrations as well as 24/7 support from our tech experts. We will be empowering your businesses to stay competitive and adapt to changing market trends while creating lasting relationships with your customers.

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