
Smart Ways To Timely Deal With Magento Issues

February 15, 2023
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Magento is one of the largest and most successful ecommerce platforms. Since Magento is a feature-loaded platform, it can be difficult to navigate, but you can find solutions to most Magento related problems if you know where to look (Yes, a guide like this one). 

There are problems that everyone encounters when they work with an e-commerce platform, and some of them are complex problems, while others may be easier to solve. Only because you work with a powerful and complex platform like Magento doesn't mean you can't solve the problem without an expert.

I have mentioned the most typical Magento issues and have also provided the appropriate solutions to make things easier for you.I will discuss the common issues in the Magento 2 version in the current blog post, along with their helpful solutions for Magento store owners, Magento developers, and Magento development companies.

14 Common Magento Issues and Their Smart Solutions

I’ve listed down possible Magento issues (particularly with Magento 2 – technical and non-technical) along with their solutions, feel free to add a problem (with or without its solution) in the comments section below and I’ll add the helpful ones in the list below.

  1. Re-Indexing of URLs
  2. PHP Configuration and Extension Settings
  3. PHP Settings Errors
  4. System Error Upon an Extension Installation
  5. Version Incompatibility of Magento 2
  6. Reset Admin Password
  7. CSS Cache
  8. Clear Cache
  9. Magento 2 – Slow Load Time
  10. Setting Up a Blog in Magento 2
  11. 404 Error for CSS and Scripts
  12. No Graphics is Displayed After Installation of Magento 2
  13. Enable SEO Friendly URLs
  14. Setting Up a Contact Us Form in the Magento Website

Re-Indexing of URLs

Most users have problems with this system message in Magento 2: "One or more indexes are completely invalid". You can fix it by properly running a Cron Job Or by running the following command in the root directory of your Magento 2;

php bin/magento indexer:reindex

PHP Configuration and Extension Settings

PHP extension and configuration settings are among the most common problems in Magento 2. Just re-configure the php.ini settings to resolve this problem.

PHP Settings Errors 

Another common problem concerns the error on the PHP memory cap. While readiness tests allow at least 1 GB of memory set aside for PHP operations, it is best to retain at least 2 GB in order to avoid problems. Change the value of the memory limit to 2 GB, to increase the memory limit.

System Error Upon an Extension Installation

Check the system requirements for the extensions before running, and updating them, and make sure to get it right.

Version Incompatibility of Magento 2

Verify that your Magento version matches the versions mentioned on the Vendor's module website. If you wish to download an extension made for a later version than yours, there may be an error. So make sure that your web store is up-to-date and download only the modules built to run on your version of the application.

Reset Admin Password

If you have forgotten your Magento 2 admin password and want to fix it as soon as possible, then the easiest way is to update the phpMyAdmin password. Open your database on Magento 2 and find the table admin user. Now the new password will override your old password.

CSS Cache

Some users have problems updating the CSS but that doesn't affect the front page. This is because of the cache. Just run these commands in your root directory for Magento 2 one by one.

rm -rf var/di/* var/generation/* var/cache/* var/log/* var/page_cache/* var/session/* var/view_preprocessed/* pub/static/*

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

php bin/magento cache:clean

php bin/magento cache:flush

Clear Cache

Some Magento 2 users run into problems when updating, and the front-end pages do not display the updates. This is because of the cache, which has to be cleared so Magento uses your most updated settings. Clearing the cache also makes the website run more swiftly.

Magento 2 – Slow Load Time

By default, Magento 2 doesn't run slowly. If you find Magento 2 running slow, there are ways to make it better. Firstly, ensure that your server and device specifications are up-to-date, use the latest versions. Use completely optimized photos, allow cache, issue free extensions, and more.

Following points can help your Magento based ecommerce website perform better;

  • Reconfigure JavaScript and CSS settings
  • Upgrade Magento to the latest version
  • Enable Varnish Cache
  • Set flat categories and products to increase the read speed of the database
  • Set up Content Delivery Network (CDN)
  • Optimize images and themes

Many inexperienced Magento users underestimate their Magento store's speed and tend to lose their potential customers and conversion rates. If you want to get more quality leads, speed optimization is critical.

By allowing its Compilation feature you can boost the speed of your Magento shop. It would increase the efficiency on page loads from 25 percent to 50 percent.

To enable the Magento Compilation function, go to your admin area > System >Tools > Compilation > click on Run Compilation Process.

Setting Up a Blog on Magento 2

Magento 2 does not have any features to build a blog but a well-designed blog can add brand value and attract more traffic to your website. You need to use extensions to create a blog for your Magento website.

In Magento Connect you will find several extensions that will help you set up a blog in minutes. Magento Blog - Community Version for the same reason is one of the most recommended free extensions.

You can see an extra section at the top of your admin area called Blog, after installing the extension. From there, you can change the blog settings, add, remove, or build posts yourself.

404 Error for CSS and Scripts

When you get a 404 error in static resources for scripts and CSS, this can happen even if you are not in the development mode, Magento 2 generates symlinks for certain static resources. Go to app/etc/di.xml to solve the problem, and find the section called virtual Type name="developerMaterialization. Here the element name="view preprocessed "should be changed or removed Change the content from


to MagentoFrameworkAppViewAssetMaterializationStrategyCopy.

Additionally, deleting the folders in pub/static can clear all existing symlinks. But be careful! Do not remove the file .htaccess.

No Graphics is Displayed After Installation of Magento 2

The path to photos and stylesheets is possibly inaccurate as a result of a rewrite of an incorrect base URL or an inappropriate server. First, to solve the problem, make sure your static assets are correctly located (in the directories frontend and adminhtml under < your Magento, install dir>/pub / static/). Then search the rewrite settings on your Apache server and the base URL on your Magento site. Failure to set the AllowOverride directive will prevent the program from retrieving static files.

In addition, the magento setup: static-content: deploy command can be used to deploy static view files in production mode. Only the command can function in any mode up to version of Magento 2.2. However, starting from Magento 2.2 edition, add -f key: magento setup: static-content: deploy -f in case you need to deploy it in the developer mode.

Enable SEO Friendly URLs

You can easily enable the SEO friendly URLs in Magento;

  • Log in to your Admin area of Magento 
  • Click on the Setup button 
  • Now click on the left panel on "Web" 
  • Click the tab Search Engines Optimization and turn to Use Web Server Rewriting by marking "Yes." 
  • To allow search engine friendly URLs in Magento, click on the "Save Config" button.

Setting Up a Contact Us Form in the Magento Website

By design, Magento has the features of a contact form. Normally a link to a contact form is shown on your Magento store's footer, but you can add it to any page in your web store. 

Set It up with following steps;

  • Sign in to the Admin area
  • CMS Access > Pages
  • Select a page to edit, or create a new one.
  • Now paste the following section, using the WYSIWYG editor's HTML option:

<!– CONTACT FORM CODE BEGIN–>{{block type='core/template' name='contactForm' template='contacts/form.phtml'}}<!– CONTACT FORM CODE END–>


Developing and maintaining a Web store in Magento can be a crucial challenge, particularly for startups. You might experience several obstacles and this blog post included some of the common and potential errors, challenges with their solutions that you could face while working on the Magento website.

Feel free to get in touch with us if you have any queries setting up the Magento store or need custom Magento development for your business.

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